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Fabia Battistuzzi

Headshot - Fabia Ursula Battistuzzi

Fabia Ursula Battistuzzi

340 DH
(248) 370-3593
实验室位置:335B DH


BE 4200  Genetic and Genomic Engineering
BIO 4340 Principles of Evolutionary 医学
BIO 4342/5382 Topics in Evolutionary Biology
BIO 4412 Functional Genomics and 生物信息学
BIO 3343 Earth and Life Co-evolution (field course)

研究: Tempo and mode of microbial life’s evolution

Life as we know it is astoundingly diverse, 有弹性的, and adaptable to virtually any environment on Earth. 然而,, the tempo (chronology) and mode (evolutionary mechanisms) of the evolution that gave rise to billions of species are mostly unknown. 博士的目的. Battistuzzi's research is to understand when and how species have evolved and investigate the connections between their genetic innovations and variations in environmental conditions. 在所有物种中, microbes span the largest duration of Earth history and are extremely metabolically and ecologically diverse. These characteristics make them a powerful resource to investigate evolutionary mechanisms over long (billions of years) and short (millions of years) timescales while tracing the origin of important ecological innovations such as pathogenicity and the origin of infectious diseases. Main projects in her lab include:

  • Ancient evolution of prokaryotes. Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) evolve with complex mechanisms that have hindered a clear understanding of their relationships (phylogeny) and time of origin (molecular clocks). The aim of this research project is to improve our understanding of ancient evolution of prokaryotes and its relation to environmental changes at a planetary scale. 

  • Origin and evolution of infectious diseases. Many eukaryotic microbes are pathogenic to humans and other animals causing diseases such as malaria. The antiquity of the origin of these diseases is poorly understood and, 因此, the environmental and ecological circumstances that favored their spread to multiple hosts are highly debated. 在这个项目中, I seek to reconstruct the history of microbial pathogens and use this information to investigate their innovations at the genetic level. 

  • Assessment and development of bioinformatics tools. The amount of molecular data available and forthcoming requires a re-evaluation of current bioinformatics tools to assess their applicability to very large datasets, 结果的准确性, and their computational requirements. The goal of this research project is to produce improved guidelines for the use of bioinformatics tools to address established areas of research and develop new tools to answer the needs arising from a growing community of researchers in evolution.

Each one of these independently developed projects pushes the science of bioinformatics forward while their synergistic effects will lead to a deeper understanding of life’s evolutionary history which is fundamental to understanding current and future changes in the biosphere. 


Fabia Battistuzzi NCBI publication list

Siebert *一个.E., M.A. 刹车*,年代.C Verbeek*, A.J. 约翰斯顿*,. P. Morgan) *,.C. Cleuren,.M. 杰里科* C.D. 施耐德* D.M. 日尔曼* F.U. Battistuzzi G. 朱、维.R. 米勒,J.M. 约翰森,F. 帕多-曼努埃尔·德·维莱纳,M.T. Rondina和R.J. Westrick.  (2023) Identification of genomic loci regulating platelet plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in mice. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 21(10): 2917-2928. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtha.2023.06.018.

Wolfsberger * W.W., F.U. 巴蒂斯图齐和T. K. Oleksyk (2022). Genomics of adaptation and speciation. 基因, 13:1187 DOI: 10.3390 / genes13071187.

鲍威尔* CLE, Battistuzzi FU. (2022).  Testing phylogenetic stability with variable taxon sampling. 方法分子生物学. 2569: 167-188. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2691-7_8.

A.A. Superson * F.U. Battistuzzi. (2022). Exclusion of fast evolving genes or fast evolving sites produces different archaean phylogenies. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 170: 107438 doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2022.107438.

汤普森C.L., M. 阿尔贝蒂,年代. 勇敢的,.U. Battistuzzi J.L. 德雷克,G. 卡萨斯·冈萨尔维斯,L. Govaert C. 帕特里奇和Y. 杨. (2021) Back to the future: reintegrating biology to understand how past eco-evolutionary change can predict future outcomes. Integrative and Comparative Biology.  61(6): 2218-2232. DOI: 10.1093 /学院/ icab068.

鲍威尔* C. 和F.U. Battistuzzi. (2020). Quantifying the error of secondary versus distant-primary calibrations in a simulated environment. 遗传学前沿 11: 252. DOI: 10.3389 / fgene.2020.00252 /全.

Sitto * F. 和F.U. Battistuzzi. (2019). Estimating pangenomes with Roary. 分子生物学与进化: 37(3): 933–939. DOI:10.1093 / molbev / msz284.

Superson,.A*, D. Phelan *,. 德科维奇*和F.U. Battistuzzi. (2019). Choice of species affects phylogenetic stability of deep nodes: an empirical example in Terrabacteria. 生物信息学 35(19): 3608-3616. DOI: 10.1093 /生物信息学/ btz121.


Department of 生物科学

(248) 370-3550