School of Engineering and Computer Science


Facility will serve as hub for research and collaboration

OU Research and Innovation Center


OU Research and Innovation Center


OU Research and Innovation Center


OU Research and Innovation Center


OU Research and Innovation Center


icon of a calendarApril 14, 2024

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OU Research and Innovation Center
研究和创新中心将容纳生物工程, mechanical, electrical, industrial, and computer science labs, 并作为与工业界合作进行研究的中心.

On May 20, 十大菠菜台子将庆祝工程与计算机科学学院研究与创新中心(RIC)的盛大开幕, a 48,700 square foot facility located in Rochester Hills, Mich. that will house bioengineering, mechanical, electrical, industrial, and computer science labs, 并作为与工业界合作进行研究的中心.

十大菠菜台子新的研究与创新中心标志着在培育发现和合作的新文化方面迈出了关键的一步,” said Louay Chamra, 工程与计算机科学学院(SECS)院长. “This state-of-the-art facility will empower our faculty, students, 和行业合作伙伴一起推动创新的边界,解决我们这个时代一些最紧迫的挑战.”

新设施位于罗切斯特山研究大道2871号, two miles from Oakland University’s main campus. 它目前包括一个带有16人餐桌的开放式厨房的协作空间, four café style booths, seven private offices, and two large tables for additional community workspace. 一间可容纳36人的会议室也配备了最新的视听技术. 这个空间被用于继续教育、大学会议和举办行业活动.

In addition, 该设施也是多个教师研究实验室的所在地-五个高湾和六个低湾-支持先进制造领域的研究, artificial intelligence, data science and cybersecurity; autonomous and connected systems; bioengineering; and power and energy.

“研究与创新中心是工程与计算机科学学院进步的基石, offering vital space for cutting-edge faculty research labs,” said Dr. Daniel Aloi, SECS director of research. “Fueled by the dedication of our faculty and students, 谁连续三年每年获得超过1,000万元的外部研究资助, this center embodies our commitment to excellence.

“配备了来自联邦基金的600万美元的新型先进测量能力, 它准备在战略重点领域率先发展我们的研究,” Aloi added. “Beyond academia, 这些能力有望促进经济发展和行业伙伴关系, 巩固了我们作为密歇根州创新驱动力的作用."

三菱电机汽车美国公司向SECS-RIC捐赠了一个汽车模拟器, 它为沉浸式实验和研究提供了一个无与伦比的平台, and provided $127,Vijit Pandey教授和Osamah Rawashdeh教授的一项名为“使用驾驶模拟器收集驾驶性能数据”的研究.”

In addition, sec - ric通过国家标准与技术研究所获得了两项单独的300万美元联邦社区项目奖励. The first $3 million award was supported by U.S. Rep. 该合同将允许OU获得一套汽车天线测量系统(AAMS),该系统可执行全尺寸汽车天线方向图测量(APM)和无线系统的空中(OTA)测试.

“As the only multi-user, shared-use unit with this capability in the United States, 购置这一仪器将对区域和国家的先进机动性研究产生重大影响 & development and workforce development,” Aloi said. “此次收购将显著增强OU的研究基础设施,并直接影响多个正在进行的外部资助项目. 它还将促进博士后研究员的研究培训, graduate and undergraduate students, outreach activities involving K-12 students, and existing and future industrial collaborations.”

The second $3 million award was supported by Rep. 约翰·詹姆斯,将允许开放大学建立跨学科的, multi-level, 以及多功能设施,以应对国家和地区汽车电气化方面的挑战. 该设施将包括电动汽车系统的全方位研究和开发能力, 从电池材料制造和表征, electrified powertrain management, 并对底盘测功机测试进行整车级集成和优化.

“We anticipate many nearby units will use the new facility, including automotive original equipment manufacturers, Tier-I/II suppliers, federal laboratories, and academic institutions,” Aloi said. “This facility will enable Michigan and the U.S. to close a critical technology gap in prototyping, testing, 为有竞争力的电气化解决方案制定标准.

“在开放大学的领导下,他们在先进的移动领域拥有丰富的专业知识, 拟议的设施将用于标准制定, certification, and research activities. Faculty, undergraduate, 博士生将获得操作和维护该设施的宝贵经验,” he added. “In addition, 该设施将作为培训中心,增加密歇根州的劳动力,并丰富我们对当地社区的外展计划.”

Reps. 史蒂文斯和詹姆斯已被邀请出席5月20日的盛大开幕式. Gary Peters, Sen. Debbie Stabenow和罗切斯特山市的代表.

“研究与创新中心将开启十大菠菜台子工程和计算机科学研究的新时代,” said Dr. David Stone, OU vice president for research. “这个新设施将容纳一个国家资产,用于测试和开发下一代汽车技术, and will serve as a hub for industry collaboration. 对于我们的教师、学生和我们的地区来说,我们对它的开放感到无比兴奋.”

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