Department of Biological Sciences

OU leads study of Ukrainian genetic diversity

Published in the journal GigaScience, 这项研究为绘制全球人类遗传变异的整体格局做出了贡献.

Smolanka with OU group

From left: Taras Oleksyk, assistant professor of biological sciences at OU; David Stone, chief research officer at OU; Volodymyr Smolanka, rector at Uzhhorod National University (Ukraine); Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, OU president; James Lentini, former senior vice president and provost at OU; and Kevin Corcoran, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at OU. 照片来自斯莫兰卡2019年访问俄亥俄州立大学罗切斯特校区.

icon of a calendarJanuary 14, 2021

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Taras Oleksyk

Led by a group of Oakland University researchers, 乌克兰最大规模的基因多样性研究发表在开放科学杂志《十大菠菜台子》上. 该研究提供了与人类健康相关的遗传变异数据,并描述了在基因组研究中代表性不足的世界部分地区导致显著遗传变异的历史因素. 该项目是一项国际努力,汇集了来自乌克兰各机构的研究人员, headed by Uzhhorod National University, as well as institutions in the U.S. and China. 

Taras Oleksyk

Taras Oleksyk是一项记录乌克兰遗传多样性的新研究的主要作者. In addition to OU, t该项目涉及来自乌克兰各机构的研究人员, headed by Uzhhorod National University, as well as institutions in the U.S. and China. 

“我们的研究表明,乌克兰存在显著的遗传多样性, a country that had not been prioritized in genome surveys,” said Taras Oleksyk, assistant professor of biological sciences, and the study’s lead investigator. “我们在DNA样本中发现了超过1300万个基因变异——近500个,000 of which were previously undocumented.”  

Along with providing genetic data specific to Ukraine, 该研究还为人类基因组多样性计划(HGDP)做出了贡献。, 这是一项国际努力,旨在绘制全世界人类遗传变异的整个模式. 绘制这张地图需要对不同地理区域和人群的个体基因组进行大量的全球调查. 然而,包括东欧和欧亚草原在内,仍存在显著差距.

Among the missing pieces was Ukraine, the largest country located fully in Europe, 这个种群是经过数千年的迁徙和基因混合而形成的. 这片领土是人类在欧洲和亚洲传播的历史和史前十字路口. 这里的迁徙事件包括现代人向尼安德特人领地的扩张, 游牧民族和早期农民开始驯化植物和动物, the great migrations of the Middle Ages, 以及丝绸之路沿线的商业和文化交易.

Ukraine: A key piece of the human diversity puzzle

尽管这个国家曾经被认为缺乏基因相关性, 该研究表明,乌克兰人大约占欧洲记录在案的所有基因变异的四分之一.

“在未来的遗传和生物医学研究中,这是世界上不可忽视的一部分," says OU professor Taras Oleksyk, the study's lead author. 

这种广泛的人类经历塑造了乌克兰人和其他民族的基因组,直到今天, Oleksyk explains.

“As humans moved across the world over millennia, they gained genetic mutations, often due to adaptation to their specific environments,” he said. “这些突变已经代代相传, 所以当我们观察乌克兰人和其他人群的基因组时, 我们看到的是它们独特进化历史的反映.”

As part of its focus on Ukrainians’ genetic diversity, 该研究还确定了与医学相关的突变,其流行程度与通过HGDP公开获得的其他欧洲基因组序列显著不同.

Compared to the other Europeans, 研究中的乌克兰人携带与乳腺癌和莱伯先天性黑蒙症相关的特定突变的人数明显减少, a rare inherited eye disease. Another mutation, known to inhibit a drug used to treat bone disorders, was also less prevalent in the Ukrainians. 然而,他们更经常携带与自闭症相关的突变.


“对突变如何影响疾病有了更深入的了解, 医生可以根据人们的基因特征定制治疗方案,” said Oleksyk. “这就是为什么对世界基因组进行详细描述很重要. 这些知识可以深刻地影响人类健康,甚至挽救生命.”

Study co-authors at BGI

From left: Taras Oleksyk, Volodymyr Smolanka and Yang Huanming, co-founder and chairman of BGI, 为乌克兰基因组研究提供测序服务的公司. 照片摄于2017年,三人在深圳华大基因总部会面, China to discuss the planning of the project.

In addition, 乌克兰的调查发现了疾病相关基因中普遍存在的突变, but whose precise effect is unknown. 这些突变可能是未来研究的主要候选者.

Beyond medicine, 这项调查是展示乌克兰基因多样性广度的重要一步,乌克兰曾经被认为缺乏基因相关性. Based on the study’s findings, Oleksyk指出,乌克兰约占欧洲记录在案的基因变异的四分之一.


With the study’s data and findings now publicly available, 世界各地的研究人员可以利用这些信息开展他们自己的研究,从人类生物学和医学到人类历史和史前史. 

乌克兰的研究是由十大菠菜台子领导的一项国际合作, 与乌日霍罗德国立大学(乌克兰)合作, National Cancer Institute (USA), BGI Shenzhen (China), University of Michigan and others. 这篇论文承认了28位共同作者,其中6位来自十大菠菜台子. Along with Oleksyk, OU co-authors are faculty member Fabia Battistuzzi, graduate students Walter Wolfsberger, Khrystyna Shchubelka and Stephanie Castro-Marquez, and undergraduate student Sarah Medley.

GigaScience上的文章《十大菠菜台子》(Genome Diversity in Ukraine)可以找到 here. The supporting data can be found here.

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