

The 紧固与连接研究所(FAJRI) at 十大菠菜台子 is the only known academic research facility [in the world] that is solely dedicated to material joining. This one-of-a-kind facility pursues scientific fundamental research and disseminate its findings and related technology advances to benefit commercial and defense industries, 政府机构, 整个社会.  

通过基础研究和应用研究, FAJRI 开发s and disseminates new knowledge related to load-bearing joint systems and applicable joining technologies.  连接方法包括机械紧固, 粘合剂, 焊接, 铆接, 以及类似和不同(混合)金属的混合方法, 复合材料, 聚合物, 和塑料.

工程中心(EC) 348室
(248) 370-3781 (O)

FAJRI的研究目标是推动科学技术的发展, 开发, and to disseminate new knowledge of material joining for load-bearing structural and mechanical joint systems that may be made of similar and/or mixed materials.  这包括金属, 复合材料, 聚合物, 以及通过机械紧固连接的塑料, 粘合剂, 焊接, 铆接, 混合或其他高级连接方法.

在其材料连接方面的研究, FAJRI follows a systems approach that would simultaneously investigate the relative significance of single and multiple variable interactions, 哪些会影响整个系统的性能和可靠性.  这些变量分为六组,属于:1)联合,    2)连接元件,   3)连接工具,   4)过程控制方法,   5)在役载荷, 6)环境影响.

分析模型和数学模型的结合, 数值与计算机模拟, 采用实验测试和验证方法.

FAJRI专用实验室空间和研究生办公室占地4000平方米. ft secure suite on the second floor of Dodge Hall on the main campus of 十大菠菜台子. Dedicated FAJRI equipment include MTS fatigue testing system with high temperature chamber and grip rating (100kN), 带控制的5轴直流螺母流道, 容克机用于振动松动, 两个扭矩-张力-角度研究系统(高达1,000英尺-磅), 用于表面粗糙度测量的Wyko光学剖面仪, 动态机械分析仪(DMA), 带控制装置的环境室, 循环盐雾腐蚀室, 带有过程控制的高压灭菌器,用于薄膜粘合, 隔震表, 无损检测设备(超声波和光学), 有限元分析软件和计算机工作站, 为ITAR项目提供安全的存储空间和会议室设施, ...等. Several specialty labs in various engineering and science departments also support FAJRI research; this includes the Optics and NDE lab, 化学实验室, and a well-equipped machining center for test fixture design and sample manufacturing.



Dr. 纳萨尔和他在奥克兰的跨学科研究团队, 与佐治亚理工学院(GT)的同行合作,, 田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校(UTK), have been recently awarded respective NSF Planning grants to 开发 a full proposal for Phase 1 ($4.500万美元的产学研合作中心(IUCRC).  三相(13美元).5m total) NSF initiative would establish three closely coordinated sites for a new research centers for Digital Composite Joining and Repair (D-CJAR) at OU, GT, 和UTK.  一个由30名教师专家组成的研究团队, 来自三所合作大学, 将领导三个D-CJAR位点的研究, in close partnership with interested industry and other government research agencies. An NSF-led Planning meeting between respective academic and industrial partners is scheduled at Georgia Tech during the first quarter of 2019 for the 3-partnering universities to plan NSF proposal for Phase 1. NSF requires the formation of an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) at each of the three D-CJAR sites to select and fund research projects. D-CJAR的OU站点将具有汽车/地面车辆推力, 而GT和UTK网站将分别拥有Aerospace, 能源/基础设施建设. 在审查之后, 希望奖, 由美国国家科学基金会, 3d - cjar站点的启动日期将在2019年最后一个季度.

FAJRI research outcome benefits both the civilian and defense sectors of the US economy, 通过向汽车领域推广新的紧固和连接技术, 地面车辆, 航空航天, 基础设施, 美国经济的能源部门. This is accomplished through technology transfer and work force training that ultimately lead to improved vehicle and component performance, 减轻重量,节约能源, 提高了产品的安全性和可靠性, 减少排放.

FAJRI主要由美国国会资助, 美国陆军地面车辆系统中心(原TARDEC), 美国国家科学基金, 以及美国汽车原始设备制造商.


  • 轻量化材料的粘接
  • 热压灭菌膜粘接工艺优化
  • 损伤建模与仿真
  • 复合材料和聚合物接头的粘接和机械紧固
  • 螺纹紧固件振动诱发松动现象建模
  • 螺栓接头装配过程中螺栓伸长的超声波控制
  • 螺纹紧固件摩擦学
  • 由于循环服务负载造成的夹紧负载损失
  • 复合材料和金属接头的无损检测和检查
  • 垫圈螺栓连接中紧固件之间的弹性相互作用
  • 脊柱螺钉关节建模
  • 复合材料、聚合物和金属接头的有限元建模与分析
  • 螺栓组合件的可靠性
  • 扭矩规格 

由PI和创始主任(Sayed 纳塞尔教授)领导, FAJRI has a strong interdisciplinary team of expert faculty who supervise graduate research of Ph.D./MS students, secure and conduct externally sponsored research projects from industry. 除了使用FAJRI最先进的研究设备之外, each faculty researcher has his/her specialty lab dedicated to the specific sub-area of expertise.  FAJRI的教师来自机械工程系, 电气与计算机工程, 计算机科学, 化学, 数学与统计学, 在十大菠菜台子

  • 复合材料紧固和连接-博士. S. 纳塞尔
  • 数据分析,机器学习- K. 马利克,Ph值.D.
  • 人机交互,自动化-博士. W-Y. G. 路易
  • 紧固件和螺栓连接。博士. S. 纳塞尔
  • 挥发性有机化合物与化学-博士. R. Dembinski
  • 无损检测/无损检测(光学和超声波)-博士. L. Yang博士. S. 纳塞尔
  • 螺纹紧固件摩擦学博士. S. 纳塞尔
  • 有限元模拟,力学测试-博士. Z. Wu
  • 分析,数值和实验应力分析-博士. S. 纳塞尔
  • 应用数学与统计-博士. M. Shillor
  • 来自其他美国和欧洲机构的其他合作教员


  • Jagatap,年代.纳萨尔,南卡罗来纳州.阿巴斯,R.贝林加迪,G., “Process Variable Effect on the Strength of Autoclave-Bonded Film Adhesive Joints”, 2019, 粘附科学与技术学报,JAST-2018-00304.
  • Jagatap,年代.纳萨尔,南卡罗来纳州.A.Tardito, M., “Effect of Autoclave Cure Pressure and Temperature on Polycarbonate Single Lap Joints with Polyurethane Film Adhesive”, 2018, 粘附科学与技术杂志, 在新闻.
  • Mazhari E.纳萨尔,南卡罗来纳州.A., “A Coupled Peel and Shear Stress-Diffusion Model for Adhesively Bonded Single Lap Joints”, 2017, 制造科学与工程学报- asme汇刊, 付印(接受).
  • 纳塞尔年代.A.马扎里,E., 粘接单搭接接头的剪切-扩散耦合模型, 2016, 应用力学杂志- ASME学报, 卷. 83(10), pp. 101006-1~7.
  • 扎基,.M.纳萨尔,南卡罗来纳州.A.希勒,M., 利用实测地表变形求解锚杆预紧力反问题, 2016, 压力容器技术杂志- ASME汇刊, 接受(待印).
  • Sakai, K纳萨尔,南卡罗来纳州. A., “Failure Analysis of Composite-Based Lightweight Multimaterial Joints after Cyclic Heat at High Relative Humidity”, 2016, 制造科学与工程学报- asme汇刊, 卷. 139 (4), pp. 041007-1~11.
  • 纳塞尔年代. A.毛,J.,杨,X.邓普顿·D., 单搭接厚复合材料粘接损伤模型, 2012, 工程材料与技术学报。asme汇刊, 卷. 134, no. 4, pp. 041004-1~7
  • 杨,X.纳萨尔,南卡罗来纳州.A., 吴,Z., “Criterion for Preventing Self-Loosening of Preloaded Cap Screws Under Transverse Cyclic Excitation”, 2011, 振动与声学杂志- asme汇刊, 卷. 133, no. 4, pp. 041013-1~11.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A.,杨,X., “A Mathematical Model for Vibration-Induced Loosening of Preloaded Threaded Fasteners”, 2009, 振动与声学杂志。ASME学报, 卷.131, no. 2, 021009-1~13.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A.V . Virupaksha., “Effect of Adhesive Thickness and Properties on the Biaxial Interfacial Shear Stresses in Bonded Joints Using a Continuum Mixture Model”, 2009, 工程材料与技术学报。asme汇刊, 卷.131, no. 2, pp. 021015-1~9.
  • 纳塞尔年代. A.Tardito, M.贝林加迪,G., “Effect of Autoclave Heating and Cooling Rate Adhesively-Bonded Lightweight Material Joints”, 2017, ASME-IMECE2017会议录.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A.贾格塔普,S.Tardito, M., “Effect of Cure Temperature and Pressure on Autoclave-Bonded Polycarbonate Single Lap Joints”, 2016, 材料紧固与连接技术研讨会, ASME国际机械工程大会论文集 & 2016年11月11-17日,菲尼克斯,亚利桑那州.
  • 吴,Z.,迪亚布,M.纳萨尔,南卡罗来纳州.A., “Effect of Elevated Temperature on Adhesively Bonded Lightweight Material Single Lap Joints”, 2015, 美国复合材料学会第30届技术会议, 9月28 - 30, 东兰辛, MI.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A.马扎里,E., 复合基轻质材料单搭接接头的循环腐蚀, 2015, 美国复合材料学会第30届技术会议, 9月28 - 30, 东兰辛, MI.
  • Housari B. A.纳萨尔,S.A., “Effect of Thread and Bearing Friction Coefficients on the Vibration-Induced Loosening of Threaded Fasteners Under Cyclic Transverse Loads”, 2007, 美国机械工程师学会振动与声学杂志, 卷. 129, pp. 484-494.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A. 胡萨里,B. A., “Study of the Effect of Hole Clearance and Thread Fit on the Self-Loosening of Threaded Fasteners Due to Cyclic Transverse Loads”, 2007, ASME机械设计杂志, 卷. 第129期,第6页. 586-594.
  • 纳萨尔,A说. 阿尔克拉尼,A.A., 螺栓垫片连接的弹性相互作用和蠕变松弛, 2006, ASME压力容器技术杂志, 卷. 128, pp. 394-401.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A. 马丁,P., 紧固件伸长超过弹性极限造成的夹紧载荷损失, 2006, ASME压力容器技术杂志, 卷. 128年11月. 2006, pp. 379-387.
  • 纳萨尔,A说. 和Veeram, Aditya B., 变波速紧固件拧紧的超声波控制, 2006, ASME压力容器技术杂志, 卷. 128, pp. 427-432.
  • 纳萨尔,A说. 胡萨里,B. A., “Effect of Thread Pitch on the Self-Loosening of Threaded Fasteners Due to Cyclic Transverse Loads”, 2006, ASME压力容器技术杂志, 卷. 128, pp. 590-598.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A. 马丁,P. H.,和G. C. 理发师, 螺栓连接中的螺纹摩擦, 2005, 压力容器技术杂志- ASME汇刊, 卷. 127, pp. 387-393.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A.El-Khiamy, H.巴伯,G.C.邹,Q.Sun, T.S., “Bearing and Thread Friction in Fasteners”, 2005, Journal of Tribology, ASME Transactions, 卷. 127, pp. 263-272.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A.巴伯,G.C.左,D., “Bearing Friction Torque in Bolted Joints”, 2005, STLE Tribology Transactions, 卷. 48, pp. 69-75.
  • 纳萨尔,A说.马丁,P. H., 预测螺栓接头夹紧载荷损失的非线性应变硬化模型, 2006, ASME机械设计杂志, 卷.第128期,第6页.1328-1336.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A.安德鲁,K。.T.库尔克,S.希勒,M., 键合棒的建模与仿真, 2005, 数学与计算机建模杂志, 卷. 42, pp. 553-572.
  • 杨,X. 纳萨尔,S. A., “Constitutive Modeling of Time-Dependent Cyclic Straining for Solder Alloy 63Sn-37Pb”, 2005, 材料力学学报, 卷. 37, pp. 801-814.
  • 邹,问.Sun, T.S.纳萨尔,南卡罗来纳州.巴伯,G.C.El-Khiamy, H., 确定螺栓连接有效半径的接触力学方法, 2005, 摩擦学学报- asme学报, 卷. 127, pp. 30-36.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A. 和维鲁帕克沙,V.L.Ganeshmurthy, S., “Effect of Bolt Tightening and Joint Material on the Strength and Behavior of Composite Joints”, 2007, ASME压力容器技术杂志, 卷. 129, pp. 43-51.
  • 纳塞尔年代. A. 马丁,P.H., “Cumulative Clamp Load Loss Due to a Fully Reversed Cyclic Load Acting on an Initially Yielded Joint System”, 2006, ASME机械设计杂志, 卷. 129, pp. 421-433.
  • Alkelani,.A.胡萨里,B.纳萨尔,南卡罗来纳州.A., 一种评估螺栓连接法兰垫片蠕变松弛的模型, 2007, 在新闻, 压力容器技术学报,asme学报.
  • 纳塞尔年代.A. 孟,A., “Optical Monitoring of Bolt Tightening Using 3-D Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI)”, 2007, ASME压力容器技术杂志, 卷. 129, pp. 89-95.

