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教授. 马克·斯通,古巴

Coordinator, World 音乐 and Percussion
Arts Area Leader, OU/Pontiac Initiative

(248) 370-2044


教授. 马克的石头, 
Guba is an improviser-composer and performer-scholar with a passion for using music to bring diverse communities together. An internationally recognized percussionist, Stone has performed with the foremost musicians of Uganda, 加纳, 南非, 印度, 特立尼达拉岛, 厄瓜多尔, 和美国. As a composer and improviser his work is rooted in traditions stretching from classical 印度n music to European concert music and American jazz to traditional African music. The cross-cultural capacity of his music has been described as, “revolutionary to our musical landscape. The experiences he gained traversing geographical borders has put him in a unique position to cross genre borders and break conceptual boundaries.” 

他的最新项目 石声集体, crosses these borders and boundaries as it unites diverse musicians and instruments. The group brings together ancient percussion traditions of Africa and 印度 with the lyricism of stings and saxophone. The collective performs original compositions rooted in member’s wide-ranging musical influences, creating music that celebrates the oneness of humanity by uplifting hearts, 拓展思想,连接灵魂.

Stone was a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar at Makerere University, where he researched traditional Ugandan music and performed with the Nakibembe Xylophone Group. He continues to perform and record with the internationally-acclaimed Ugandan multi-instrumentalist Haruna Walusimbi.

As a longtime member of the Bernard Woma Ensemble, Stone performed twice at the Filmua Kukur Bagr Festival in 加纳, with the New York Philharmonic at Avery Fisher Hall, with the Philadelphia Orchestra at the Kimmel Center, and premiered concerti for gyil trio and orchestra with the South Dakota Symphony, 明尼苏达交响乐团, 奥尔巴尼交响曲, 柏林Symphoniker, and Kwazulu-Natal Philharmonic (南非). Through his dedication to the study of Dagara Gyil music, Hiineteng的Gyil Guba长老, 加纳 honored him with the title of "Gyil Guba" in recognition of his 2016 completion of the Gyil Goba initiation.

2012年和2014年, Stone was a featured artist in 印度 at the Bharat Sangeet Utsav Pan-印度n 音乐 Festivals in the cities of Chennai, 哥印拜陀, 班加罗尔, 和新德里. Through his travels in 印度 and regular performances at the annual Cleveland Tyagaraja Festival, he has collaborated with legendary Carnatic musicians Dr. Balamuralikrishna, 格Dorai, Sudha Raghunathan, Chitravina Ravikiran, 和卡纳蒂卡兄弟.

As co-founder of Jumbie Records, Stone has produced and recorded twelve albums. 通过Jumbie唱片, he also directed the Biakuye Percussion Ensemble and Southpaw Isle Steelband, sponsored annual music festivals in 加纳 and Uganda, and produced multiple world music festivals in New York and Detroit. 除了, he has served four times as a performer/adjudicator for the International Marimba and Steelpan Festival in Johannesburg, 南非 and twice as a soloist/clinician for the International Percussion Festival in Quito, 厄瓜多尔.

A 音乐教授 at 十大菠菜台子, Stone coordinates the world music and percussion programs in the School of 音乐, 剧院, 和舞蹈. 在欧, he created and serves as adviser for the Master of 音乐 in World Percussion Performance and the World 音乐 Minor. He also leads the Global Arts 出国留学 program to 加纳 and directs both the African Ensemble and Creative Jazz Ensemble. Stone recently received OU’s Community Engaged 教师 Award, recognizing faculty who excel in community- based work. He is the Arts Area Leader for the OU/Pontiac Initiative and chair of the Percussive Arts Society’s World Percussion Committee. 作为临床医生, he has presented numerous workshops and concerts at universities throughout the United States.

斯通目前是博士.D. candidate at the University of 南非, where he is pursuing a transdisciplinary study of performance praxis through extensive research in musicology, 体现了认知, 本土知识体系. He recently presented his research at the bi-annual conference of the Pan African Society of 音乐al Arts Education. Stone is a featured performer/composer and on the leadership team of the newly launched 南非/America 音乐 Exchange (SAME). 非洲教育的一项倡议, SAME is predicated on the transformative impact of music across cultural boundaries, with emphasis on the black roots shared by the rich, and globally impactful musical lineages of 南非 和美国.

作为一个美国的巴哈伊教徒, 马克的石头 is dedicated to promoting equity, 正义, and a world embracing vision of humanity.

