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# Oakland研究


商业创意 (I2B)

该计划-十大菠菜台子的I2B计划为地区企业提供从构思阶段到成熟公司的帮助. 我们已经开发了四个I2B项目,既帮助区域企业,又为开放大学的学生提供实践创业经验.

  • I2B -启动:开放大学的学生和导师团队在企业发展的早期阶段提供帮助.(8周)
  • I2B -顾问:开放大学学生的多学科团队与已建立的企业合作开展特定项目(12周以上)
  • I2B -国际:为学生提供在美国或海外的国际体验(12周).
  • I2B -大使大使作为项目的发言人和倡导者(24周).

它是如何工作的- I2B项目帮助公司快速(在几周内)确定和评估他们走向商业化进程中的关键下一步. Such steps include undertaking projects such as: a serious market analysis, developing a solid business plan, 产品设计, 等.  I2B利用由两位导师(商业和公司)以及具有不同背景的开放大学本科生和研究生组成的学生团队. The program is open to all Oakland students.

业务导师通过监督进度、提供建议和所需的专业知识来协助I2B. 这些志愿者包括公开大学的教职员工和校友,以及当地的高管和企业家. Each participating company provides a mentor for their team; this individual has the needed domain expertise.

学生的利益——对学生来说,最切实的结果是培养了一种企业家的心态:在资源有限的情况下创造性地思考问题的能力. This directly translates into entrepreneurial skills. Most students do not establish their own companies, 但在I2B项目的实际背景下获得的经验将使他们在任何工作环境中受益. 工作技能之外, I2B学生将遇到来自不同背景和不同专业水平的人. 这样的社交机会将有助于他们未来的职业和就业前景.

公司利益- I2B项目为公司提供有针对性的援助,重点关注其发展道路上的具体差距., or specific company-designed projects.  While the type of information gained or work product varies, 最终目标是公司解决了与其商业化计划相关的问题或问题.


Vice President for 研究



This program focuses on assisting startups and early-phase companies. 学生/导师团队帮助公司解决商业化道路上的下一个关键步骤. Most often, this is an in-depth analysis of the products market. The team identifies the total and regional market potential, 市场细分, market verticals and performs a SWOT (strength, 弱点, 机会, 威胁)分析. 会议持续8周,最后以一个小型研讨会结束,所有团队都将展示他们的工作. Company deliverables are the presentation, 收集的所有数据, 按学科组织, and a 4 -5 page Executive Summary of the team’s findings and recommendations.


i2b顾问(I2B-C)是由学生组成的多学科团队,在特定项目上与已建立的企业合作. I2B-C项目本质上更复杂,持续时间更长(12周以上)。. 学生必须至少参加过一次i2b创业项目,并且通常来自公开大学荣誉项目. 这些项目是由公司专门设计的,通常解决对公司竞争地位重要的问题. Deliverables are the same as the I2B program.


The I2B -国际 (I2B-I) program consists of two components; (1) an opportunity for visiting international students to gain entrepreneurial experience and (2) An opportunity for OU students to work with early-phase companies overseas.

The American Semester Abroad Program (ASAP)
该项目面向国际研究生和本科生,在开放大学学习一个学期. While taking academic classes at 十大菠菜台子, 国际学生还可以通过参加校园I2B项目,作为团队成员帮助初创公司成立,从而获得宝贵的经验. 第一名学生是来自西班牙的博士研究生,参加了2019年秋季学期的I2B课程.

OU Student Entrepreneurship Abroad
这是一个体验式的学习过程,让学生接触到其他文化中的创业精神和商业实践. I2B-I项目的设计足够灵活,可以为学生提供个性化的体验. OU students may travel as individuals, or teams of students. 预计该学生将在奥克兰完成至少5个学期,并将在6月份旅行th or 7th 学期.

学生获得I2B-I课程的学分是很重要的. The program is not conceived as a co-op or internship position, but rather an opportunity to learn entrepreneurship on an international level. To maintain their degree-progression, the students need to acquire 12+ credit hours during the I2B-I experience. The course work will consist of:

  • A relevant 4 credit hr. course taken at the overseas institution
  • 每小时4学分. online course from 十大菠菜台子 (or two overseas).
  • Experiential learning (4 credit hrs.) working at the company (20 to 32 hours per week).  

OU Entrepreneurship Abroad is planned to start in Winter Semester 2021.


I2B大使比I2B团队成员获得更多的商业和创业经验.  Ambassadors represent the I2B program across the OU campus and its incubators. They interact with faculty, fellow students and regional companies. They become effectively skilled in core startup activities, 业务评价, 通信, 市场营销, 等.

大使的作用是传播有关I2B计划的信息, identify interested individuals, and assist in program operations. 大使们将独立工作,与学生团体和组织会面.

Ambassadors are selected on a competitive basis. 成功的候选人不一定是商科专业或创业专业的学生. 相反,他们必须对创业有浓厚的兴趣,并能够表达出来. 候选人必须作为I2B团队成员成功完成至少一次会议. The position is open to Juniors, Seniors, and graduate students.